Wrist Pain Management in Los Angeles

Different components of our bodies are constantly working together to ensure proper body function. When one part of the body is stressed, you can experience a chain of reactive stress and discomfort. Many people experience wrist pain at one point in their lives. Your wrist is the joint that connects your hand with the forearm. This joint is often subject to constant pressure and movement, increasing the possibility of injury. Wrist pain is often very uncomfortable. Outside fractures and sprains, the wrist pain may indicate a more serious underlying condition. The pain and inflammation experienced from conditions like arthritis, gout, sprain, or cysts could prevent you from performing daily activities.

Seeking to manage the pain will eliminate discomfort, help treat the underlying condition, and avoid recurrence. Wrist pain management ranges from eliminating the symptoms with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to therapy and lifestyle changes. If these methods do not effectively eliminate the pain, your doctor can recommend surgery. If you experience severe wrist pain that will not go away, you must consult with a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Wrist Pain Management

Wrist pain can cause serious discomfort and inconvenience. How you manage the pain varies depending on the exact cause of the pain. When you visit a doctor to report wrist pain, your doctor will perform various tests to determine the cause of your pain and recommend appropriate measures to manage it. Common tests used to diagnose wrist pain include:

  • X-rays to evaluate the joint and bones
  • Nerve conduction velocity test to determine the level of nerve damage
  • Urine and blood tests to detect underlying conditions
  • MRIs to detect tissue damage on the wrist

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pain

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the leading causes of wrist pain caused by median nerve compression. The function of the median nerve is to provide sensation and electric impulses to the fingers. CTS causes severe wrist pain and other symptoms like numbness and tingling sensation on the wrist. Wrist pain resulting from carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed through the following actions:

  • Wearing a wrist splint to ease the pain and reduce swelling
  • Take anti-inflammatory medications like naproxen
  • Applying cold compresses for up to twenty minutes to the area
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery to correct the condition and permanently alleviate the pain

Gout Pain

Gout is a category of inflammatory arthritis caused by excessive buildup of uric acid in the wrist joint. Uric acid is a byproduct of the breakdown of foods containing purines. The body eliminates uric acid through urine. However, when there is too much fluid, it can accumulate in other parts of the body. Wrist pain from gout is often acute and can go away after several days. However, if the problem becomes episodic and persists over weeks or months, you may need medical care. Gout may not require surgery, and you can manage the pain through:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers
  • Staying hydrated to reduce the uric acid concentration
  • Cutting down on alcoholic drinks and fatty foods
  • medications to reduce uric acid from your body

Kienbock’s Disease

Kienbock’s disease is a rare bone condition that affects one of the eight wrist bones. The disease cuts down blood flow to the lunate bone, causing necrosis of the bone. The lunate is a central bone that offers extensive support to the bone joint. A death in the center bone will limit the movement of the joint and cause severe pain. Kienbock’s disease is common to individuals between twenty and forty years, and it rarely affects both wrists. Therefore, if you experience pain in one wrist, you may want the doctor to check it for this condition.

  • Management of wrist pain from Kienbock’s disease includes:
  • Keeping your wrist immobile
  • Pain medications
  • Surgery aimed at evening out the length of your wrist bones
  • Surgery to restore blood supply to the affected area

Ganglion Cyst

A ganglion cyst is a harmless non-cancerous lump that often appears on the back of the wrist. Although this cyst's exact cause is unknown, it is common in females between fifteen and forty years. Mostly the ganglion cyst is not painful. However, overstretching of the arm can put excessive pressure on it, causing mild to severe wrist pain. You can manage pain from a ganglion cyst by:

  • Wearing a wrist splint to limit movement on the joint
  • Draining the cyst to relieve pressure
  • Surgical removal of the cyst

Wrist Injury

If you experience wrist pain from an episode of hand fracture or injury, pain management involves the following measures:

  • Wear a wrist pain
  • Keep your arm elevated
  • Use cold compresses
  • Take pain relieving medication

Wrist Pain Therapy Options

Physical therapy is a highly effective way to relieve and manage the pain caused by different wrist conditions. The physical therapist can either work with you outside medical treatment or help you recover from a surgical procedure. After assessing the exact condition that causes your wrist pain, your therapist will determine the exercises best suit your condition. Some of the activities that could help with wrist pain include:

  • Finger strengthening. You can strengthen the grip of your fingers while reducing the pain in the joint by placing your hand on a towel and simultaneously pulling your fingers together and apart.
  • Hand lift. This exercise involves placing your forearm on a flat surface with the hand hanging over the edge. You should keep your fingers relaxed and move your hand up and down until you feel the stretch on the joint.
  • Rice therapy. Rice therapy is a first aid treatment for wrist pain caused by sprains, bruises, or strains. This therapy involves four steps: stop the activity that caused the stress, apply child ice compressions, and elevate your wrist to aid circulation.

Lifestyle Adjustments to Manage Wrist Pain

Management of wrist pain does not have to involve medication or surgical procedures. There are several lifestyle changes you can make to manage the pain and prevent a recurrence, including:

Avoid Activities that Cause Pain

Many Americans work on a laptop or computer every day. Whether your pain comes from overuse of the wrist joint, poor posture, or arthritis, the pain can affect your ability to work and decrease productivity. Nerve-related hand problems can cause swelling and pain radiating to your fingers. Since most of these injuries are caused by repetitive motion, you can avoid overuse of your arms whenever possible. You can minimize these activities by:

  • Lowering your keyboard to prevent your wrist from bending upwards as you type
  • Invest in a wrist rest with your mouse and keyboard
  • Alternate the mouse hand or train yourself to use the mouth with the non-dominant hand. This allows the frequently used wrist some rest.
  • Take periodic rests between typing or working on your laptop

Use of A Wrist Splint

If you must use your hand to perform activities that cause you wrist pain, a wrist splint might help you manage the pain by providing additional support while keeping all the joints and bones in proper alignment. If you choose to use the wrist splint, you must keep it throughout the day and not just for work. Wrist splints come in different types, and not all are effective. Unfortunately, sitting or working in a poor posture can affect various joints, including the wrist. You experience severe pain that causes discomfort, and you need to consult a doctor who can recommend a suitable wrist splint for your condition.

Stay Hydrated

When the water level in your body is sufficient, the natural systems can work to deliver the necessary nutrients to the cells. Your joints must constantly be lubricated to avoid friction and pain. The fluid that lubricates your joints is 70-80% water. When dehydrated, you could experience various symptoms such as muscle cramps. Therefore, you can manage your wrist pain by taking lots of water throughout the day.

Fix your Posture

It is easy to slum up in your chair without noticing it. Unfortunately, poor posture can affect various joints, including the wrist. You can relive or avoid this pain by sitting up straight on the chair to ensure your wrist is not overstretched or wrongfully bent.

Practice Proper Ergonomics

One of the essential parts of managing and preventing wrist pain is ensuring that spaces do not contribute to stress or overuse of the joint. You can avoid this type of pain through the following measures:

  • Position your arms and legs at the same height to keep them as straight as possible
  • Have your working desk or chair at a height that is proportional to your body
  • Keep your feet flat

Surgical Procedures to Manage Wrist Pain

Consulting with an orthopedist is your first step in determining whether or not you require surgery to manage your wrist pain. Wrist surgery should be your last option when other treatments and lifestyle changes are ineffective in managing your pain. Doctors often recommend that you seek surgical options when the wrist pain interferes with your daily life. Before deciding on the surgery, you will need to understand more about the type of surgery you need, what it entails, and the expected results.

Some of the common surgical procedures used in the management of wrist pain include:

Carpal Tunnel Release

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the common causes of wrist pain, and it occurs when you exert excessive pressure on the nerve between your forearm and the wrist. During the carpal tunnel release surgery, the doctor will make an incision on your palm and cut through the ligament to relieve the pressure on the nerves. Doctors perform the surgery with one large or small incision accomplished through laser treatment. Like other surgical procedures, carpal tunnel release may be associated with risks like excessive bleeding, infection, and scarring at the point of surgery.


Wrist arthroscopy is surgery to relieve wrist pain caused by a fall or sprain. Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to see inside your wrist joint. Swelling and pain in the wrist is an indication that there is a more severe issue with the joint. This procedure allows the surgeon to align the fractures, wash out infections and remove the joint lining caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

In the past, doctors often performed arthroscopy on the knee and shoulder joint. With the advancement in technology, doctors can open your wrist joint and treat the underlying causes of pain. During the arthroscopy procedure, the doctor inserts a small camera using a narrow tube into your wrist joint to determine the exact cause of your inflammation.

Wrist Fusion

If you experience severe wrist pain from arthritis and other treatment options have failed, wrist fusion surgery may be the only way to manage your pain. Several joints on your wrist make it easy for you to suffer from arthritis. If this happens, you may experience numbness, pain, and inflammation of the wrist joint.

The main aim of perfuming wrist fusion surgery is to alleviate the painful symptoms of arthritis and facilitate the bones to grow back together. If your surgery is successful, the bones around the joints cannot rub on each other. A wrist fusion is a great way to strengthen your wrist joint and restore a reliable grip. However, it is crucial to understand that you may be unable to bend your wrist after the surgery. Given the severe pain accompanied by arthritis, you can view it as a swap deal.

Proximal Row Carpectomy

Proximal Row Carpectomy is a surgical procedure involving the removal of one or two rows of the bones on your wrist. This procedure converts your wrist from a complex to a simple joint while performing the expected function. The doctor would recommend this surgery if you have progressive arthritis that has damaged or changed the structure of your wrist bones. The PRC surgery relieves wrist pain effectively. Most people prefer this surgery because it is simple and the outcome is predictable.

The potential injuries associated with this procedure are tendon stiffness, nerve injury, and numbness of the area. However, having healthy cartilage over your wrist increases the chances of success and reduces the risk of complications.

Ligament Reconstruction

Wrist ligament reconstruction uses cutting-edge technology to repair acute or complex ligament injuries. Wrist ligaments are structures that hold and unite the forearm bones together. The wrist joint has eight small bones that join together to form joints. The joints made from these small bones must align correctly for smooth movement of the wrist. You may need reconstruction surgery if you have suffered a severe tear of the ligaments or injury to the joints.

Ganglion Cyst Excision

Ganglion cyst surgery is a procedure used to remove a cyst attached to the wrist joint tissue. Ganglions can appear on any of the joints, and it causes severe pain, muscle weakness, and a tingling sensation in the joint. Excision is one of the most effective ways to eliminate mass. Although a doctor cannot guarantee that it won’t reappear, removing this mass reduces and eliminates the pressure from the nerves. A ganglion may be attached to a blood vessel. Therefore, you must seek help from a professional to ensure that its removal does not interfere with the blood flow.

Can I Manage My Wrist Pain at Home?

Sometimes, wrist pain is nothing more than overstraining the joint. When the pain is not severe and does not prevent you from performing your daily duties, you can manage it at home using:

  • Cold or warm compresses depending on the severity of the injury. When the pain is accompanied by inflammation, applying ice will help cut blood supply in the area, reduce blood flow, and reduce the swelling.
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory creams to apply on the skin around the wrist
  • Simple hand exercises

Although you can manage your wrist pain at home. There are circumstances under which you need to consult with a healthcare provider, including:

  • Limited mobility of your hand and fingers
  • Pain that persists for weeks even after home treatment
  • Redness and swelling on the forearm, hand, and fingers
  • A tingling sensation that moves down your arm

Seek Expert MRI Services Near Me

Sometimes, you want to treat your wrist pain with home remedies hoping that the pain will go away after a while. Unfortunately, when wrist pain may be an indication of another condition, the pain may not go away unless you make an effort to seek the right treatment for the underlying condition. When you visit a doctor with persistent wrist pain, the doctor could perform various tests, including x-rays, MRI, bone scans, and EMGs, to diagnose the exact source of your pain.

Management of wrist pain varies depending on the underlying medical problem. Common conditions that cause wrist pain include progressive arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ganglion cyst, and gout. In other cases, the pain may result from overworking your wrist through wrong posture or heavy lifting. Whatever the cause of your wrist pain is, you must seek medical care. At Hollywood Healthcare & Diagnostic Imaging, we offer an integrated approach to diagnosing your problem and providing effective treatment to restore your body functions. We serve clients seeking MRI diagnosis and treatment for wrist pain in Los Angeles, CA. Contact us today at 323-486-7502.


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